Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Umbrella ellaelaaelaaa!

Stuttgart weather is just about as miserable as it was in Ann Arbor.
Here is my motto: April showers bring May showers 
We are still having fun and enjoying every ounce of sunshine we get!

Good News:

The past few weeks have been very productive (almost done with our taxes...)

 In order to get an international work permit in Germany, you must have a special skill or trade.  Thus, many people told ME it would be "impossible" and I could "never" get a job (or some folks simply said "you can work on base at the bowling alley").  Lesson learned: Never give up!  I am happy to say I got a job offer and a legit work permit!

Who knew that being a real live authentic native of the USA would qualify me as "special"?  I shall be teaching life lessons along with grammar, American culture and geography to Germans of all ages.  Job starts in June and I am looking forward to a challenging experience and hopefully entertaining stories!


This past weekend, we went hiking with friends from Colorado.  We drove less than 45 minutes to Wiesfels, Germany.

Pretty forests, pastures, and views 

Matt and Rebecca are avid rock climbers so they took us to a spot with beginner climbing.

I prefer to climb easy routes with no gear so I was content strolling around in the sunshine as they climbed.

Scott borrowed Matt's gear and monkeyed straight up to the top like a pro!

Splendid view of scoot's tush on his decent
Random city observations:

This pup (I miss Peaches) hangs out on our street and we have a special bond  - can you see it in his eyes?

The fresh produce at the markets has been unreal especially the strawberries!

Italian and German varieties (German taste better so far)

Spargel (asparagus) comes in many widths and colors.  The Germans LOVE it and have entire menus dedicated to different recipes now that they are in season.  I prefer the white kind but have yet to try the purple.

We met up with our friends and their cute kids on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Little curly headed Amelia always quick to pose is fully aware of how adorable she is

This crew is also randomly from Charleston but we met them here a few weeks ago (Thanks Meredith for connecting us on Facebook!)

 Stylish EuroScoots in full effect with the valley of Stuttgart in the distance
Speaking of style, Beyonce's beautiful bodacious body is plastered all over the train stations of Stuttgart.

Is her H&M campaign in the USA?  I doubt it
Does she really think people believe that she shops at H&M?

Next week, back on the road to meet Friend and Paul in Prague!

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